Lisa Fasolo Frishman Lisa Fasolo Frishman

Responding to COVID-19

With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we awarded 100 grants totaling $1 million to organizations focused on mutual aid for populations that were excluded from the federal stimulus relief efforts, such as undocumented immigrants, formerly incarcerated people, and domestic workers.

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Lisa Fasolo Frishman Lisa Fasolo Frishman

Building Advocacy Capacity

In partnership with the Advocacy Institute, we are working to address the capacity needs of organizations interested in launching local and statewide advocacy campaigns.

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Lisa Fasolo Frishman Lisa Fasolo Frishman

Learning Tours: Buffalo, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley

Since 2015, we have hosted learning tours in three regions of the state that brought together community leaders, policymakers, and funders for cross-regional dialogues that identified common cause and built relationships among a diverse set of actors.

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